Time to Live
Last Autumn, Steve was approached by Wellpark Productions to be part of a documentary on living with a terminal illness. We were put in...
Four months on already...
The only way that I can describe this month is.....hectic! Returning to work, having a fantastic skiing break, celebrating Angie &...
A week of wows and weeps
On Wednesday, Adam and I had the pleasure of attending Westminster for a Brain Tumour Research reception, aimed again at addressing the...
A month of firsts
Nearly the end of another month and one that has presented many firsts without Steve.....Our birthdays, the anniversary of our first...
Just the 3 of us...
The kids and I have had a busy month, which ended in a new adventure, skiing! The kids absolutely loved it, as did I! Steve would have...
My hill and a headwind
For me, the worst part of my brain tumour journey, was immediately following Steve's diagnosis. I was so scared for Steve and I and also...
A month on...
It has been a month already since Steve passed away, although the reality of what has happened, I don't think has hit home yet. We have...
Small victories help, in a massive way
Gather round everybody, let me tell you my tales of woe..... Please do not worry, I am not looking for sympathy, the aim of this blog is...