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6 months on......

It's hard to think that it is now over 6 months since Steve died. So much has happened that Steve would have loved to have seen and been a part of. May was particularly busy and full of events that Steve has been missed at. "Time to Live" was broadcast and the response to the programme was completely overwhelming. Steve would have loved to have seen it and to have known that it was so beautifully filmed. For me, the anticipation and anxiety leading up to it and around the programme was difficult to deal with emotionally. I feel relieved that it went so well, but also that it has now been aired. I feel that I can move forward from this positively and with immense pride of what we managed to achieve.

The children and I have enjoyed some great times in May. For myself, a couple of nights out with some of my favourite people, and for us all, a lovely mini break in Center Parcs with the Holbrooks. The kids love that place as much as Steve did and as much as I do. Whenever we go back, they achieve more, whether its roller skating confidently, riding a bike without stabilisers, shooting a bullseye or swimming without aids. Their confidence shines through and despite everything that they have seen and been through over the last couple of years, their personalities are bright, positive and completely bonkers!!!!! Steve, I am sure is immensely proud of how well they are doing and all that they have achieved over the last 6 months. I know that I am xxxx

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